by Mark Swilling | Sep 12, 2018 | Publication, Talks
Shadow State was successfully launched in Johannesburg and Cape Town. Amazingly, the publishers had the book ready for launching the same week the Zondo Commission into State Capture began its hearings. This created the perfect media setting for the launch of the...
by Mark Swilling | Jun 18, 2018 | Talks
Talk presented at the Grappling with the Futures conference held in Boston on 29-30 April 2018, co-hosted by Harvard and Boston University. This captures the essence of Chapter 5 of the book I am trying to write while here at Yale entitled Just Transitions in a...
by Mark Swilling | Jun 18, 2018 | Talks
This was the talk I delivered at the Green Building Conference in Cost Rica on Wednesday 16 May. For the ppt: HAJER Cities_IRP_launch BonnSHORTVERSION...
by Mark Swilling | Jun 14, 2018 | Talks
Talk presented on 6 April 2018 to a research group on Just Transitions hosted by North Eastern University, Boston. I was hosted for 2 days in Boston by Shalanda Baker who works with the CST team that does research on the developmental impact of renewable energy. In...
by Mark Swilling | May 18, 2018 | Talks
Talked presented to an informal research group on Just Transitions convened by Northeastern University. I delivered this talk on 6th April 2018 in Boston. It is my first attempt at conveying the conceptual framework of the book I am trying to write, and...
by Mark Swilling | May 10, 2018 | Talks
Talked delivered at a workshop of Just Transition researchers at Northeastern University, Boston. Thanks to Shalanda Baker for arranging this. This way my first attempt to present an outline of the book I am writing to an audience outside South Africa. My book –...
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