Events and Courses
(To access the actual talks in the form of ppt and/or recordings, go to ‘Talks’ drop-down menu)
Book launch: The The Age of Sustainability: Just Transitions in a Complex World
Event: Webinar
Contribution: presentation with panel members Prof Edgar Pietser and Prof Johan Schot
Organiser: CST
Location: Online
Date: 4 November 2020
Introduction to Sustainable Development
Event: 6 Day Executive Course
Contribution: Course Convenor
Organiser: Sustainability Institute
Location: Stellenbosch
Date: 11-16 March 2019
The Global Energy Revolution: Dynamics, Projections and Democratic Alternatives
Event: Soil Soul and Society seminar
Contribution: public lecture
Organiser: Sustainability Institute
Location: Stellenbosch
Date: 12 March 2019
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019
Event: conference
Contribution: participant in my capacity as Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Development Bank of Southern Africa
Organiser: World Economic Forum
Location: Davos, Switzerland
Date: 20 September 2018
Just Transitions in a Complex World
Event: public lecture at University of Southern Connecticut
Contribution: speaker
Organiser: Patrick Heidekamp, University of Southern Connecticut
Location: New Haven, CT
Date: 20 September 2018
Just Transitions in a Complex World
Event: public lecture at University of Southern Connecticut
Contribution: speaker
Organiser: Patrick Heidekamp, University of Southern Connecticut
Location: New Haven, CT
Date: 20 September 2018
Applied Economics – Political Economy of South Africa
Event: Course presented as part of the Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Development,
Contribution: co-convenor with Phumlani Nkontwana and presenter
Organiser: Centre for Complex Systems in Transition and the Sustainability Institute
Location: Stellenbosch
Date: August 2018
Global Sustainability Perspectives
Event: Course presented as part of the Diploma in Sustainable Development,
Contribution: course convenor and presenter
Organiser: Centre for Complex Systems in Transition and the Sustainability Institute
Location: Stellenbosch
Date: August 2018
Course Outline: Template_course outline
International Resource Panel
Event: Meeting
Contribution: discussant of the Global Resource Management report
Organiser: International Resource Panel
Location: Shenzhen, China
Date: 4-8 June 2018
Reflections on Experimentation, Futuring and Incrementalism, with special reference to the African context
Event: Grappling with the Futures
Contribution: speaker
Organiser: Harvard University and Boston University
Location: Boston
Date: 29-30 April 2018
State of Social Movements and NPOs
Event: Workshop on the NPO Sector
Contribution: panelist
Organiser: Department of Economics, Stellenbosch University
Location: STIAS, Stellenbosch
Date: 9 February 2017
Financing Sustainable Urban Infrastructures
Event: Bankability Paradox
Contribution: panelist
Organiser: Urban Futures Studio, Utrecht University
Location: Utrecht
Date: 23 November 2016
Resource Requirements of Future Urbanization
Event: Resource Requirements of Future Urbanization Workshop
Contribution: presenting the first draft of the Resource Requirements of Future Urbanization report
Organiser: Urban Institute, Sheffield University
Location: Sheffield
Date: 21-22 November 2016
Meeting of the International Resource Panel
Event: 19th Meeting of the International Resource Panel
Contribution: presenting the first draft of the Resource Requirements of Future Urbanization report
Organiser: UNEP
Location: Paris
Date: 14-20 November 2016
City Infrastructures and Innovation in African Cities
Event: Senior Expert Dialogue on African Cities as Innovation Hubs for Africa’s Transformation
Contribution: panel discussion
Organiser: Department of Science and Technology and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Location: Pretoria
Date: 3 November 2016
Global transformation, reinventing learning and the role of the university in the 21st century
Event: 14th Annual Library Symposium
Contribution: Keynote at closing plenary
Organiser: Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service
Location: Stellenbosch
Date: 4 November 2016
Workshop to prepare documentation for Habitat III in Quito.
Event: Metropolitan Age
Contribution: workshop contributions and commentary on draft documentation on metropolitan age
Organiser: United Cities and Local Governments
Location: Barcelona
Date: 4-5 July 2016
Resource Efficient Urbanism: Infrastructures and Strategic Intensification
Event: Urban Age – Shaping Cities, 14-15 July 2016
Contribution: Plenary presentation
Organiser: LSE Cities – London School of Economics
Location: Venice
Date: 14 July 2016
Anticipating the Governance Implications of Global and Urban Transitions: A
Long-Wave Perspective”
Event: Industrial Ecology Gordon Research Conference: Opportunities for the Critical Decade – Decoupling Well-Being from Environmental Pressures and Impacts
Contribution: keynote address to first plenary
Organiser: Gordon Research Conferences, CSIRO, ETH Zurich, World Resources Forum and United Nations University
Location: Stowe, Vermont, USA
Date: 19 June 2016
Transdisciplinary Research for Transformation in an African Context
Event: seminar series
Contribution: public lecture
Organiser: Centre for Agroecology Water and Resilience
Location: Coventry, UK
Date: 30 June 2016
Resource Requirements of Future Urbanization
Event: public lecture convened by Urban Institute, Sheffield University
Contribution: presentation of the public lecture
Organiser: Urban Institute
Location: Sheffield
Date: 17 May 2016
Decoupling Resource Use and Wellbeing: A key element of a New Economic Theory
Event: Post-2008 Global Dynamics and Structural Changes: Economic, Political and Eco-Societal Transitions
Contribution: plenary presentation
Organiser: World Academy of Art and Science and University of Lisbon
Location: Lisbon
Date: 13-14 May 2016
1 Climate Club launch
Event: attended a mass rally on refugees and climate change hosted by the Evangelical Church of Westphalia, and where the 1 Climate Club was publicly launched
Organiser: Evangelical Church of Westphalia
Location: Halle, Germany
Date: 7-8 May 2016
1 Climate Club
Event: Workshop involving German ethical banks and researchers from the Wuppertal Institute (Germany), Teri (India) and Sustainability Institute (South Africa) to discuss the establishment of an ethical fund to attract savings that can be reinvested in renewable energy projects around the world.
Organiser: Evangelical Church of Westphalia
Location: Bieleveld, Germany
Date: 4-6 May 2016
Planetary Urbanism
Event: ‘Next Talk’: keynote address at International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam (IABR)
Organiser: #IABR
Location: Rotterdam
Date: 29 April 2016
International Architecture Biennial Rotterdam (IABR)
Event: Panel discussions on green cities and informality during the opening weekend of the IABR
Organiser: IABR
Location: Rotterdam
Date: 23 April 2016
Infrastructure Space
Event: participant in the LafargeHolcim Round Table on Infrastructure Space
Organiser: LafargeHolcim Foundation
Location: Detroit
Date: 7-9 April 2016
Exploring institutional hybridity and urban learning in the governance of sustainability transitions in Stellenbosch
Event: co-author with Megan Davies of a paper presented at 15th International Winelands Conference – Theme: Governance of Transitions in a Complex World
Organiser: School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University
Location: Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS)
Date: 30 March – 1 April 2016
Green Growth and Cities in Africa
Event: paper presented at 15th International Winelands Conference – Theme: Governance of Transitions in a Complex World
Organiser: School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University
Location: Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS)
Date: 30 March – 1 April 2016
Global Transition, urban change and the emergence of new modes of governance
Event: paper presented at 15th International Winelands Conference – Theme: Governance of Transitions in a Complex World
Organiser: School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University
Location: Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS)
Date: 30 March – 1 April 2016
Sustainable Development Goals in World in Transition
Event: keynote address, 15th International Winelands Conference – Theme: Governance of Transitions in a Complex World
Organiser: School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University
Location: Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS)
Date: 30 March – 1 April 2016
Transdisciplinary Research in Africa: Chair and presenter at a plenary session including Dr. Musango, John Van Breda and Prof Chilisa.
Event: International Sustainability Science Conference
Organiser: University of Tokyo
Location: Sustainability Institute
Date: 3 March 2016
Rethinking Innovation in an African Context
Event: STIAS Roundtable on Innovation for Prosperity
Organiser: Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies
Location: STIAS
Date: 21-23 February 2016
Sustainable Development: lectures on approaches to sustainable development, global transitions, history of economic theory and practice, ecocultural assemblages, urban transition
Event: Sustainable Development module in the Masters Programme in Sustainable Development
Organiser: School of Public Leadership, Stellenbosch University
Location: Sustainability Institute
Date: 1-12 February 2016
Contributions to an Expert Group meeting
Event: Expert Group Meeting on the Africa Regional position for Habitat III
Organiser: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Location: Addis Ababa
Date: 21-22 January 2016
Doing Transdisciplinary Research in Africa
Event: ACCAI Course on Food Security in Africa
Organiser: Sustainability Institute
Location: Stellenbosch
Date: 26 November 2015
We-Africa Action Research Network for a Wellbeing Economy in Africa
Event: first meeting of this network
Organiser: Centre for the Study of Governance Innovation, University of Pretoria
Location: Pretoria
Date: 23-24 November 2015
Transdisciplinary Learning for Transformative Education
Event: A lecture that forms part of a 5 day course on Education for Transformation
Organiser: Sustainability Institute
Location: Stellenbosch
Date: 28 October 2015
Introduction to Sustainable Development, and Sustainable Cities
Event: Lectures presented for course on sustainability for Brazilian participants entitled Cities in Transition – Sustainability and the Global South
Organiser: Sustainability Institute
Location: Stellenbosch
Date: 19-20 October, 2015
For more: programme document ISAE FGV Oct 2016
Real wealth of nations: extraction, real growth and sustainability
Event: Presentation to the Resource Governance Workshop
Organiser: International Resource Panel
Location: Davos, Switzerland
Date: 15-16 October, 2015 More….
Participation in the 17th Meeting of the International Resource Panel
Event: 17th Meeting of the International Resource Pane and meeting of the Cities Working Group (that I chair)
Organiser: International Resource Panel
Location: Davos, Switzerland
Date: 9-16 October, 2015 More….
Plenary presentation: Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy in South Africa
Event: Conference of the Southern African Development Community’s Development Finance Institutions on Sustainable Development
Organiser: Development Bank of Southern Africa
Location: Midrand, Gauteng.
Date: 1 October 2015 For talk and ppt
South Africa’s position at COP 21 Conference in Paris 2015: expert evidence
Event: Parliamentary Public Hearings
Organiser: Portfolio Committee on the Environment
Location: Parliament, Cape Town
Date: Tuesday 22 September 2015
Sustainable Urbanization: co-facilitator of the workshop
Event: Workshop
Organiser: International Social Science Council
Location: Durban
Date: Wednesday 9 – 13 September 2015 More Information