Author: Mark Swilling
Type of publication: Journal publication
Reference details: Swilling, M. 2019. Can economic policy escape state capture? New Agenda, 72:24-27.
To download: New Agenda
Author: Mark Swilling
Type of publication: Journal publication
Reference details: Swilling, M. 2019. Can economic policy escape state capture? New Agenda, 72:24-27.
To download: New Agenda
Really nice article as pushes for more substantive thinking on an alternative economic reality that is less aggregated. However, I still struggle to understand the continuing faith in a level of political aggregation (elite compact) that underlies the argument for more ‘public interventions’ and ‘development finance’. Perhaps a transition strategy resides in a partial forced break with traditional banking/pension funds and the decentralisation of investment decisions to individuals. Coupled with this, we need a transitional knowledge diffusion strategy wherein we only pretend to abide by intellectual property right conventions. Livelihood centred economic development may not materialise without a radically different type of politics – less aggregated and much more diffused.